
Message Desk

Message Desk

Fatherson Public School with over two decades of management in serving the society, has always aimed at providing the best quality education. We are committed to provide a progressive education system that explores and channelizes the latent talent & potential of children.

We strive to groom our students to enable them to turn into excellent professional & achievers. We also aimed to nurture them as ethical individuals with a deep understanding and regards for human values.


Learning is a life long process, a holistic experience that focusses on the over all development of children. In FPS we endeavour to nature, prepare and empower young generation as the torch bearers of tomorrow.

Fatherson Public School is a pioneer in quality education with a best team of academicians. Having spread its educational reach across India & the world.
I am very thankful to the students and parents for being partners in our success. Wishing you & your child a rewarding experience at FPS.


I believe that education is a holistic experience that synergises the growth of body, mind & spirit. Our founder president Late Shri Ram Singh Ji & Chairman Mr. Pushpraj Singh have always desired to nurture & prepare generations of individuals as the torch-bearers of tomorrow, who believe in the strength of their convictions & take pride in being Indian.

At Fatherson we endeavour to empower our students with new ways of education. In particular, we believe that by enabling the emergence of a new kind of pedagogy that is focused on meeting individual needs of a student. We help him in becoming a good person in future.